In trying to continue making some independent films, I started working with Flash in 2001. Basically in its infancy. ( I believe Icebox just crashed.) I had a wacom that I had trouble making a connection with the screen and the board. To play it online, you had to have a pre-loader so the film would play back in its entirety. Crazy times. I called in my friend Tom Kenny ( spongebob, Heffer) to add some vocals. It sucks, but it’s a crazy piece of archive.

Win in Barcelona and Festival Selection in Italy
Yesterday, Fiego won an Animation Award in Barcelona at the Indie fest, and this last week selected for the 3D-2D Animation Festival in Italy! Winding
2 Responses
This film such a fun part of my family’s history and vocabulary! We quote it all the time. Oui, oui, Coco, you go have fun…
Thank you so much for posting it here, I was looking for it everywhere online!
Thank you. That was odd that you were just looking for it, and I ran across it in my files. I was thinking of re-doing the visuals and animation while keeping the soundtrack. I don’t know. Maybe. -Joe