Another Shot

An example of how lighting is so crucial to a scene.

Are We All Entering a Deep Dark Cave?

Working on this scene right now with Odin entering the cave of whispers. I’m really feeling one with it since 2025 is shaping up as a deep dark cave with lots of fears lurking inside. But I know, as Odin does, we can transcend those fears. We will learn from them. Coming soon. A streaming […]

Garden Box Studio

I’ve had questions about the studio here in Belgium. After buying a 240-year-old farm, we converted one of the stables into a studio space for Garden Box. The farm is a sanctuary to me. A bit of a monastery. We have farm animals I tend to, gardens, fruit trees, a nice big barn. I love […]

Love for Loreena: Her Music will Sing in Odin!

Okay, so it’s a far cry from my Grateful Dead days, but I’ve fallen in love with the music of Loreena McKennit. So much so, I obtained the rights to use one of her songs in my upcoming film “Odin and the Egg”. Extremely excited!

The Creative Farm

I’m finding more and more that Creativity flourishes in a serene and meditative environment. But also when you are surrounded by animals and gardens and such. It’s a luxury I know. But our consciousness always gives clarity to creativity, and animals are usually so full of good energy. It’s all one. Love it when my […]

Another Fiego Win at Dalmatia Festival in Croatia

Fiego and the Magic Fish won Best Animated Film in the Dalmatia Film Festival, sharing it with another film. the Dalmatia festival runs for several months with screenings all around Croatia. The organizers said it was an audience favorite!

Fiego Score Wins Big for Meiro Stamm!

Meiro Stamm

The London Global Film Awards has awarded Meiro Stamm Winner Status for his original score on Fiego and the Magic Fish. This is his second or third win for his score. Awesome!

Audience Win for Fiego in Belgium

Audience Award

Last night, I accepted the Audience Award in the Flemish Animation Category in my home country of Belgium. The festival was excellent, and last night was memorable!